Learn about Executive Order 6102 issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933, which made it illegal to own gold and helped stabilize the US economy during the Great Depression. Discover the impact of this order on US monetary policy and citizens’ property rights, and how it changed the course of history.


Posted By: admin | May 8th, 2023

China and Russia have been discussing the possibility of creating a gold-backed currency separate from the US dollar. This article explores the potential implications of such a currency on the US dollar and global economy.


Posted By: admin | May 8th, 2023

Discover the history and meaning behind the term ‘king’s ransom’ and the form of money used to pay it. Learn how gold and silver have been valued throughout history and why they were preferred for large financial transactions.


Posted By: admin | May 8th, 2023

Learn how much of your investment portfolio should be allocated to precious metals. Investing in precious metals carries risks and requires careful consideration of personal goals and risk tolerance. Seek professional advice and do thorough research before making any investment decisions.


Posted By: admin | May 8th, 2023

Precious metals may not be the best investment option for everyone. Factors such as short-term investment goals, low risk tolerance, limited funds, lack of understanding, and need for income can make investing in precious metals challenging. Read on to learn more about why someone may not want to invest in precious metals.


Posted By: admin | May 8th, 2023

Learn about the differences between numismatic coins and bullion coins and their purposes. Investing in numismatic coins for historical and artistic value. Investing in numismatic coins for historical and artistic value.


Posted By: admin | May 8th, 2023

Learn about how owning physical precious metals can help mitigate counterparty risk and the potential risks involved in trading in precious metals.


Posted By: admin | May 8th, 2023

Learn about the various factors that can affect the value of precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum, including supply and demand, economic and political uncertainty, inflation, interest rates, industrial demand, currency exchange rates, global events, technological advancements, production costs, central bank policy, seasonal demand, and market sentiment.


Posted By: admin | May 8th, 2023

Learn how gold and silver act as safe-haven assets during periods of high inflation, preserving purchasing power and providing a hedge against currency devaluation. Discover how the relationship between inflation and precious metal prices can be influenced by various factors, such as supply and demand, geopolitical events, and investor sentiment. Find out how silver has maintained or surpassed the value of currency over time, offering a near double inflation adjusted return and an 8.5X full return.


Posted By: admin | May 8th, 2023

Choosing between buying gold or silver depends on various factors such as historical performance, volatility, affordability, purpose of investment, personal beliefs. This article outlines the key factors to help you make an informed decision.


Posted By: admin | May 8th, 2023