President Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 6102

Learn about Executive Order 6102 issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933, which made it illegal to own gold and helped stabilize the US economy during the Great Depression. Discover the impact of this order on US monetary policy and citizens’ property rights, and how it changed the course of history.


Posted By: admin | Posted In: Historical Perspectives | May 8th, 2023

Discussions on a new China and Russia gold backed currency

China and Russia have been discussing the possibility of creating a gold-backed currency separate from the US dollar. This article explores the potential implications of such a currency on the US dollar and global economy.


Posted By: admin | Posted In: Historical Perspectives | May 8th, 2023

What is a king’s ransom?

Discover the history and meaning behind the term ‘king’s ransom’ and the form of money used to pay it. Learn how gold and silver have been valued throughout history and why they were preferred for large financial transactions.


Posted By: admin | Posted In: Historical Perspectives | May 8th, 2023

How long have people believed in gold and silver

Discover the rich history of gold and silver as currencies throughout the ages, and how they continue to be valued as investments today. Learn about their rarity, desirability, and expanding non-monetary uses.


Posted By: admin | Posted In: Historical Perspectives | April 30th, 2023