gold standard Tag Articles
History of gold prices
Discover the key events that influenced the price of gold throughout history. From stable prices to significant fluctuations, explore the factors that impact the value of gold.
The Gold Standard Act of 1900
Learn about the Gold Standard Act of 1900, which officially established gold as the only standard for redeeming paper currency in the US. Discover the history, impact, and criticisms of this federal law.
Benefits of a gold standard
Learn about the potential benefits of a gold standard monetary system, including stability, discipline, long-term focus, sound money, and facilitation of international trade. Explore reasons why some advocate for a return to the gold standard in the US and proposed bills in Congress.
Gold Standard in the United States
Learn about the Gold Standard in the United States, its history, advantages, and drawbacks. Discover how it provided stability and predictability to the US dollar, reduced inflation, and helped maintain a balance of trade.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt Executive Order 6102
Learn about Executive Order 6102 issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933, which made it illegal to own gold and helped stabilize the US economy during the Great Depression. Discover the impact of this order on US monetary policy and citizens’ property rights, and how it changed the course of history.
What is the concept of sound money?
Learn about the concept of sound money and its benefits in promoting economic growth, stability, and freedom. Find out how it differs from fiat currency and why it is considered a better option against inflation.
Are there talks about reverting to a gold standard?
Learn about the ongoing debate surrounding the return to the gold standard. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of the gold standard and whether it is feasible and desirable. Explore proposed bills and efforts advocating for the gold standard.
Why did gold surge during the deflationary period after great depression?
Read about the reasons behind the surge in gold prices during the deflationary period after the Great Depression. Learn about factors such as loss of confidence in the US dollar, government policies, and geopolitical uncertainty that led investors to seek the safe haven of gold.
The Bland-Allison Act “The birth of the Morgan Dollar”
Learn about the Bland-Allison Act and the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, two United States federal laws that aimed to stabilize the economy by increasing the money supply and promoting inflation, but ultimately failed to achieve their goals.
Could the world move back towards a currency back by precious metals?
This article explores the potential for the world to move back towards a currency backed by precious metals, such as gold or silver. While there has been some discussion of this idea, significant changes to the global monetary system and international cooperation among governments and central banks would be necessary for such a shift to occur.