Posted By: admin | Posted In: Bullion Basics | May 8, 2023

When it comes to storing bullion, there are many options to consider:

  1. Home storage – You can choose to store your bullion at home in a safe or other secure location. This option allows you to have direct control over your investment, but there are risks associated with storing valuable items in your home such as theft or loss.
  2. Private vault storage – Private vault storage companies offer secure storage for your bullion, often in a high-security facility with 24/7 surveillance and insurance coverage. This option can offer additional security and peace of mind but comes with storage fees.
  3. Bank safe deposit boxes – Many banks offer safe deposit boxes for rent, which can provide a secure location to store your bullion. However, the level of security and insurance coverage can vary depending on the bank, and you will have to pay rental fees.  Check the fine print as most banks take no responsibility for the loss of anything stored in their safe deposit boxes.

Regardless of which storage option you choose, it’s important to take steps to protect your bullion. This can include keeping detailed records of your holdings, using tamper-evident packaging, and ensuring that your storage location is secure and accessible only to trusted individuals.  Don’t tell a bunch of people what you have at home or where you store it.

Hiding valuable items in plain sight

Hiding valuable items in plain sight can be an effective way to protect your possessions from theft or loss. Here are a few ideas for hiding valuable items in plain sight:

  1. Book safes – Book safes are hollowed-out books that can be used to store small valuables like jewelry, cash, or coins. These items can be hidden on a bookshelf or in a pile of other books, making them difficult to find.
  2. False containers – You can use false containers like fake food cans, cleaning product bottles, or even a hollowed-out speaker to hide valuables. These items can be mixed in with other items in your pantry or closet to avoid suspicion.
  3. Wall safes – Wall safes can be installed behind a painting, mirror, or other wall hanging, providing a secure location for your valuables that is hidden from view.
  4. Decoy items – You can also use decoy items to protect your valuables. For example, you can leave an old laptop out in plain sight while storing your new laptop in a hidden location. This can deter thieves who may be more interested in easily accessible items.
  5. Under Plants – putting items under plants in flowerpots.

Regardless of the method you choose, it’s important to make sure that your hiding spot is secure and that you can easily access your valuables when needed.  Its also a good idea to tell another trusted family member just in case something happens to you they don’t throw away items of little value that’s hiding items of a lot of value or move without first collecting your hidden treasure.