Why was gold and silver the most common means of trade for 1000’s of years?

Gold and silver have been used as currency for thousands of years due to their scarcity, uniformity, and durability. They are universally recognized and accepted and difficult to counterfeit, making them reliable stores of value.


Posted By: admin | Posted In: Societal and Cultural Perspectives | April 30th, 2023

The other Golden rule: those who have the gold makes the rules

Explore the proverbial saying “those who have the gold make the rules” and its implications in politics, business, and social relationships. Learn about the history and cultural significance of gold as a symbol of wealth, status, and success, and how it is represented by the highest award for achievement – the gold medal. Discover the truth behind the saying “those who have the gold make the rules,” and how it reflects the enduring influence of wealth and power in society.


Posted By: admin | Posted In: Societal and Cultural Perspectives | April 30th, 2023

Precious metals historical relation to social class and rights

Explore the historical relationship between precious metals and social class in ancient societies. Discover how gold and silver ownership was linked to eligibility for certain benefits and privileges.


Posted By: admin | Posted In: Societal and Cultural Perspectives | April 30th, 2023